Search for life opportunities.

We analyze hundreds of parameters combining Big data, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability to find your ideal spot. We take into account location, your uniqueness and those aspects that are important to you and make you unique (philosophy of life, beliefs, values, hobbies, etc.).

It always seems impossible, until it is done. - Nelson Mandela.
Demetra Findspo

Technology at the service of sustainability

Countries 197+ Analyzed in real time
People 3B+ Representing trends and opinions
Populations 200M In the data intelligence ecosystem
Processed data 1T+ Extracted and cured

What Findspo gives you

Live according to your values with these 3 main points

Define your preferences and those of your loved ones.

Discover a place to enjoy life.

Choose a project that matches.

Find your Spot.

Using the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) defined by the United Nations as a starting point and our Demetra algorithm, we provide life opportunities to our users.


Why rely on our technology, which prioritizes global sustainability?

Our planet needs a new way to measure the sentiment and well-being of its inhabitants in order to build a truly sustainable planet.

In real-time


Get real-time information to make better decisions.



Humanity, Fauna and Flora. We didn't want to leave anyone behind.



Data anonymized to include no bias in our analysis.



We let it flow but give the possibility to contribute.

With the trust of

Administration, associations, NGO's, educational entities

Cutting-edge technology for an advancing society.
